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Monday, July 2, 2007

TotalView Technologies Announces Totalview 8.2

DRESDEN, Germany, june. 2007 -- TotalView Technologies, the world's leading provider of scaleable debugging and analysis software solutions for the multi-core age, today announced the availability of TotalView Debugger 8.2. This updated version of TotalView provides new features and support for important new platforms, allowing a greater range of users to benefit from the product's capabilities.

TotalView is a comprehensive source code and optional memory debugging solution that dramatically enhances developer productivity by simplifying the process of debugging data-intensive, multi-process, multi-threaded, or network-distributed applications.

Built to handle the complexities of the world's most demanding applications, TotalView is capable of scaling from one to thousands of processes or threads with applications distributed over multiple machines or processors.

TotalView Debugger is the only product on the market that supports mixed environments including mixed parallel paradigms (Open MP and MPI) and mixed languages (Fortran 90 and C++, for example) in one debugging session, and mixed versions of compilers in one session.

TotalView supports over 2,500 compiler variations and countless combinations of parallel programming paradigms and compilers. TotalView is robust and easy to use, with an intuitive GUI that enables users to quickly isolate and identify the root cause of problems.

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