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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

NTC plans to auction new 3G wireless licences in October


New third-generation wireless licences will be auctioned starting in October, according to Gen Choochart Promprasit, the chairman of the National Telecommunications Commission.
A final framework on the new licences, which include frequency allocations in the five-gigahertz band, would be completed by September, he said.

Telecom and IT network providers have been pressing the regulatory body to clarify its position on third-generation mobile and wireless technologies such as WiMax. Analysts said Thailand has been slow to implement new technologies offering broadband transmission speeds direct to mobile handsets

Gen Choochart said four 3G licences could be offered, but declined to comment on the method of allocation.

Existing mobile operators, who use 2.5G technologies such as Edge, have argued that they should be given priority in bidding for new licences. Authorities could choose to hold a straight auction, with the winning licences offered to the highest bidder, or hold a ''beauty contest'' in which the bidders' qualifications, experience and technological platforms are also used to evaluate winners.

Gen Choochart said the Council of State has already ruled the NTC could award new telecommunications licences without waiting for the creation of the National Broadcasting Commission.

The process of awarding new 3G licences has been stalled for years over legal questions on whether the NBC, which has been delayed due to political infighting, was required before new frequency spectrum was awarded for use. ''We will try to have all the issues finalised by September, to allow the industry to move forward starting this October. We see four 3G licences being awarded altogether,'' Gen Choochart said.

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